Lung Cancer, Smoking, Alcohol, and the Secret Intelligence Service -- Secret work with tragic results / Worse than Guantanamo torture?
Times are changing“Centuries have rolled by, and they have been much less eventful than this year". (Slottsprest Claus Pavels late 1814 Statement cited in Edvard Bull, Klassekamp og Fellesskap 1920 – 1945, Norges Historie Vol. 13, J.W. Capellens Forlag AS, 1978, p 9)
This is the year when so many of the slave traders' scams have been brought to light. There was that "Operation Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan, which turned out to really be "Operation Enduring Slavery". In the import piece Wikileaks Publishes Proof of Massive U.S. Criminal Activity / Criminals get “Desperate”, we studied the great work of Julian Assange and Wikileaks in exposing this racket.
Wikileaks was doing their best, but it was this website which exposed the real reasons behind the Afghan war -- it was all about getting heroin produced.
The slave traders learned early on that surprise and deception were important tools in getting slaves: “To slave-traders rivers offered the final attraction that they could get their slaves by water-borne raids on communities unused to attack from that quarter.” (Alexander Murray, Reason and society in the Middle Ages, Oxford University Press, 1978, p 43)
This has become more and more difficult now that so much really important information is out there -- and getting read.
JOHN SAWERS THINKS HIS BUSINESS TACTICS ARE SECRETJohn Sawers runs the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in England, a country that has been in on the Afghanistan heroin business from the early days. His secrets have recently come out in court:
"In February, a British court released secret evidence that a former British-based inmate of Guantanamo Bay,
Binyam Mohamed, was subjected to “cruel, inhuman and degrading” treatment during questioning by US agents." (Alice Ritchie, Secrecy 'crucial' in keeping U.K. safe: MI6 chief, AFP, 28 Oct 2010)
Of course, not every slave is kitted out with earmuffs, eye blinders, and forced to kneel. There's still work that has to be done.
Maybe there's another way to keep these slaves in bondage?Of course. Its the world of addictions. From heroin to nicotine, the slave traders offer a full range of drugs which are effective in dulling the reasoning abilities of their slaves. That way, even though the scams are being exposed left and right, the drunk slaves just can't comprehend what's going on.
Drunk?"Alcohol is a more dangerous drug than both crack and heroin when the combined harms to the user and to others are assessed, British scientists said Monday." "According to the scale, devised by a group of scientists including Britain's Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) and an expert adviser to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), heroin and crack cocaine rank as the second and third most harmful drugs." (Kate Kelland, Drug experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin, Reuters, 1 Nov 2010)
This is a significant danger. So what is John Sawers and the SIS doing about it?
They're trying to keep things secret: “Secrecy is not there as a cover-up. Secrecy plays a crucial part of keeping Britain safe and secure”. (John Sawers cited in Alice Ritchie, Secrecy 'crucial' in keeping U.K. safe: MI6 chief, AFP, 28 Oct 2010) He has his Secret Intelligence Service."Professor David Nutt, chairman of the ISCD, whose work was published in the Lancet medical journal, said the findings showed that "aggressively targeting alcohol harms is a valid and necessary public health strategy."" (Kate Kelland, Drug experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin, Reuters, 1 Nov 2010)
John Sawers has his big building. There's plenty of torture going on. And he's doing something significant to keep people safe?
EVEN THE RESULTS OF HIS MANY WORKERS AND TORTURERS ARE SECRET“Few know about the terrorist attacks we help stop”. (John Sawers cited in Alice Ritchie, Secrecy 'crucial' in keeping U.K. safe: MI6 chief, AFP, 28 Oct 2010) Not many people know about any positive results from all this secret work. Because there aren't any: "Alcohol and tobacco are legal for adults in Britain and many other countries". (Kate Kelland, Drug experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin, Reuters, 1 Nov 2010)
The most dangerous drugs are openly trafficked to keep the slaves sedated in those "coalition" countries.
THERE WERE SOME COUNTRIES THAT RESTRICTED THIS DRUG PUSHINGBack in the old days, there were independent Dutch republics in South Africa. They had laws which "strictly forbade the sale of drink to natives." But then England -- John Sawers' country -- came and destroyed the Republics.
And they brought so many rights for the Negroes -- they could "buy liquor freely".
It was obvious to "the more decent members of the British community" that this program would severely harm the natives, since it involved "allowing the horde of Polish Jews to return to establish canteens for selling distilled damnation to the natives". (ed. William Stead, The Review of reviews, vol. 23, p 533)
"The World Health Organisation estimates that risks linked to alcohol cause 2.5 million deaths a year from heart and liver disease, road accidents, suicides and cancer -- accounting for 3.8 percent of all deaths. It is the third leading risk factor for premature death and disabilities worldwide." (Kate Kelland, Drug experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin, Reuters, 1 Nov 2010) "Almost all the Jews who lived in villages, and many of those who lived in towns, were leaseholders, innkeepers, and liquor sellers". (Raphael Patai, The Jewish Mind, Wayne State University Press, 1996, p 189)
Occasionally, a slave starts to wake up, and dream of freedom, but "Many smokers believe having the occasional cigarette allows them to refocus". (Going for a smoke? Don't forget to clock out, Reuters, 1 Nov 2010) To get refocused on working for money to buy more drugs from the slave traders:
"in most parts of Poland the peasant was forced to purchase a fixed quota of liquor at the nobleman's tavern (which was usually leased to a Jew)". (Raphael Patai, The Jewish Mind, Wayne State University Press, 1996, p 190) “After studying at the University of Breslau Rabbinical Seminary and receiving a doctorate and a rabbinical diploma from the University of Budapest, he followed his own Zionist impulses and studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he received the university’s first doctorate, in 1936.” (Robert Thomas, Raphael Patai, 85, a Scholar of Jewish and Arab Cultures, New York Times, 25 Jul 1996)
"But debate on SIS's role is not well informed, in part because we have been so determined to protect our secrets." (John Sawers, Sir John Sawers's speech – full text, Guardian, 28 Oct 2010) (see at left)
The secrets are out. Millions in slavery. Plenty of torture in those "freedom" operations. While the most dangerous drugs are sold openly, and legally, in England.
"I want to answer two important questions: what value do we get from a secret overseas intelligence effort in the modern era? How can the public have confidence that work done in secret is lawful, ethical, and in their interests?" (John Sawers, Sir John Sawers's speech – full text, Guardian, 28 Oct 2010)
What value is there in a ready supply of dangerous drugs in the country? Drugs that kill millions.
For the slave traders -- invaluable.
Slave Trader Joran van der Sloot, Alcohol, and the Capture of Stephany Flores