Antichrist from Lars von Trier: Perversion and Mutilation come to Cannes Film Festival
There are those cows of the field -- brute beasts. They know which plants taste good, and which ones don't, but are just not known for their higher reasoning abilities.
Left on their own, they'd have no problem finding the right grasses to eat. But that doesn't happen so much anymore now. Instead, they're exploited -- kept in feed lots where there is often not much fresh grass.
Well, a cow has got to eat, and so it does. Pretty much whatever the farmer gives.
But that's the cow. People are different, aren't they?Much more reasoning power?
This gentlemen and his brethren don't think so:
"If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success. GENTILES ARE CATTLE" Protocol 15
These people have done well at exploiting their "cattle". Whether we're talking high finance and investments, or just that new-car loan, they've been squeezing out as much milk -- and beef -- as they can.
So what is it that brings the gentiles "to such a pitch of stupid blindness"? We see the farmer in the first picture above. He's the one who runs the cattle operation. Which is basically minimal medical care and such food as he sees fit. Just as the farmer in the second picture does.What kind of feed is approved for the cattle kept by the second farmer?
Believe it or not, some sorts of feed are certified -- with a golden palm.
Feed? Films. The sort of thing those cattle just love. Whether its a daily indulgence of television addiction, or a run to Blockbuster on the weekend for "something special", the film industry is big business.
A lot of people make films in a lot of countries, so how can movie theater operators, TV executives, and other gatekeepers decide what to show?
One certificate is called the golden palm. Its awarded at the Cannes Film Festival, which has just finished.
One of the top films this year was Antichrist, from Jewish director Lars von Trier:
"Danish director Lars von Trier elicited derisive laughter, gasps of disbelief, a smattering of applause and loud boos on Sunday as the credits rolled on his drama "Antichrist" at the Cannes film festival." (Mike Collett-White, Lars von Trier film "Antichrist" shocks Cannes, Reuters, 17 May 2009)
Danish? "Lars von Trier was raised by nudist Jewish Communist parents who did not allow much room in their household for "feelings, religion, or enjoyment,"" (Lars von Trier, World Festival of Foreign Films) Ah, that kind of Danish.
At any rate, the audience at this exclusive festival was laughing about Mr. Trier's film. What was so funny?
"Jeers and laughter broke out during scenes ranging from a talking fox to graphically-portrayed sexual mutilation." (Collett-White, supra)Hmm. Who might find these matters "funny"?
“At the end of the 1930s, shocked by the interference of the fascist governments of Germany and Italy in the selection of films for the Mostra de Venise, Jean Zay, the French Minister of National Education, decided to create an international cinematographic festival in France, on the proposal of Philippe Erlanger and the support of the British and Americans.” (Cannes Film Festival, Wikipedia)
That's fascism for you -- those forces of censorship interfere when great Jewish artists need to get some goy women sexually mulilated in their films.
Jean Zay was the Jewish Radical Socialist Minister of Education, who once wrote a poem calling the French tricolor "that stinking little rag" (TIME, June 22, 1936). (cited in PEOPLE IN WAR NEWS, Time,,9171,711759-3,00.html) Philippe Erlanger was also Jewish. (Renee Poznanski, Jews in France During World War II, Google Books, 2001, p. 92)
We know how the Cannes Festival got started. We know who makes the films. But who was sitting in the audience? Who was laughing about the
"graphically-portrayed sexual mutilation"?A JURY DECIDES WHICH FILMS GET THE AWARDS
That's Isabella Huppert at the right. She was the president of the jury this year.
Ms. Huppert is, of course, Jewish. (
And that's how it is at the Jewish film festival in France, where the Jewish jury picks the top Jewish-made films.
And the product of all this?
"Antichrist opens with a heavily stylized, black-and-white, slow-motion portrayal of the child's accidental death set to soaring music by Handel.
Dafoe's character, who is a therapist, tries to help his wife deal with her grief and encourages her to come off heavy medication that sedates her for weeks after the death.
They decide to go to an isolated wooden cabin in an unspecified forest to recover, but the woman Gainsbourg portrays loses control of her senses.
The abuse she submits herself and her husband to drew shocked gasps from the audience." (Collett-White, supra)
Shocking tortures, and "soaring music" to celebrate the death of a child. What kind of minds come up with this stuff, and then laugh about it?
Sick minds.
Certainly the film title Antichrist is a very accurate description.
There's a body of Christians who thought so: "Lars von Trier's film was declared "the most misogynist movie from the self-proclaimed biggest director in the world" by an Ecumenical [not just Jews] Jury which every year hands out a prize to a Cannes film that celebrates spiritual values." ('AntiChrist' gets 'anti-prize' at Cannes, AFP, 23 May 2009) Mr. Trier says he's the greatest film director, but he made the most woman-hating film of the year.
"The jury president, the Romanian film-maker Radu Mihaileanu, said in a statement read out to AFP that Von Trier was suggesting with his film that "woman should be burnt at the stake so that man can finally stand up."" ('AntiChrist' gets 'anti-prize' at Cannes, AFP, 23 May 2009)
But wait one minute. This film is just art, isn't it? Perhaps a special expression of the Jewish mind, but shouldn't there be some tolerance?
If it was "just" art, maybe. But no, its much more than that. In the past year, we've carefully studied the most woman-hating business practices possible: cosmetics and cancer, the Jewish bra business and breast cancer, the suntanning scam, the tobacco trade, and on and on.
Of course, its terrible to see "women being burnt at the stake", but there's something much worse here. "The abuse she submits herself and her husband to drew shocked gasps from the audience." (Collett-White, supra)
Those cattle "submit themselves" to this abuse.
Which brings us back to the pictures at the start of this story. Two farmers feeding their cattle.
Those cows just eat away. Just like those people.
And that's how it is.
Would you like some "soaring music by Handel" to accompany the

And which men like Lars von Trier are more than willing to dish out. With a smile!