Love Parade Duisburg Murder of 19 People -- Who Did It?
There's a lot of hate in this old world, so some people in Germany decided to launch a parade for love. They said.
Well, the public just ate this up. And so they came in masses. About 1.5 million people.
All for love.
And where was this huge manifestation of love?
HUGE GET-TOGETHER FOR LOVE FANSAt the old cargo terminal of the Duisburg train station. This was a convenient location for parade-goers, because they could ride the train in and avoid parking problems.
It was just a matter of walking through some tunnels, and they got into the party area.
At some point, the pig force decided that the festival area was full. And blocked off the end of one of the tunnels. "Police commissioner Juergen Kieskemper said that just before the stampede occurred at about 5 p.m. (1500 GMT, 11 a.m. EDT), police closed off the area where the parade was being held because it was already overcrowded." (Michael Sohn, Vanessa Gera, 18 killed in mass panic at Germany's Love Parade, AP, 24 Jul 2010)
That is, the pig force closed off one end of the access tunnel. The other end was still open, and the people kept on coming -- masses of people. The air became scarce, and some people in the tunnel fainted away. Others were crushed:
Eyewitness Udo Sandhoefer told n-tv television that even though no one else was being let in, people still streamed into the tunnel, causing "a real mass panic."

The pedestrian tunnel was packed. People were dropping like flies.
And the pig force decided to open up their end of the tunnel, and save some lives?
Are you kidding?
These weren't your normal pigs. No, they were super pigs -- "special forces".
And what do special forces do?
They kill people.
Some of them on purpose: "U.S. spec-ops forces have targeted militants without trial". (Kimberly Dozier, US documents leaked online give inside look at war, AP, 26 Jul 2010)
And some of them by accident: "Afghans have been killed by accident". (Kimberly Dozier, US documents leaked online give inside look at war, AP, 26 Jul 2010)
The reader is referred to this in-depth study of a U.S. special forces hit in Syria which murdered eight Syrians, including several children.
So, was the Love Parade action really murder? "German prosecutors are investigating whether negligent manslaughter was involved in the deaths of 19 people killed in a crush at the Love Parade techno festival." (Dorothee Thiesing, German prosecutors probe 19 Love Parade deaths, AP, 26 Jul 2010)
Pigs will be pigs, and special forces will be special forces. The photos, and first video, show those super-tough heroes in action. With plenty of plastic bands at the ready to tie up people's hands.
Of course, with the 19 people killed, the plastic bands won't be necessary.
So, is this just another day in the annals of special forces warfare, or is it something more?
"A rave party, more often just called a rave, also called free parties, is typically defined as an all-night dance event where DJs and/or other performers play electronic dance music and rave music. The slang expression rave was originally used by peoples of Caribbean descent in London during the 1960s to describe a party." "Opponents of rave parties have sought to outlaw them in numerous jurisdictions, citing illegal drug consumption and trafficking".(Rave,
And the Love Parade featured "electronic music" (per Rave,
Of course it did. "Police blamed organizers and officials in Duisburg, an industrial city that gave the world's largest techno music festival a home". (Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
And it was "free"?
Of course "the event was free". (Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
And drugs were involved? "local police and firefighters expressed concerns early on about whether Duisburg was big enough to host over up to a million people or more, many of them possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs." (Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
The firefighters tend to be decent people who save lives. The local police often care about their community. And they knew what was coming down the road.
But "somebody" threw a huge party. And it was all for free!!!! (Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
What a sacrifice. And at that for love. They claimed.
"the Chicago City Council decided "to crack down on wild rave parties that lure youngsters into environments loaded with dangerous club drugs, underage drinking and sometimes predatory sexual behavior," as the Chicago Tribune put it. The newspaper described raves as "one-night-only parties -- often held in warehouses or secret locations where people pay to dance, do drugs, play loud music, and engage in random sex acts." Taking a dim view of such goings-on, the city council passed an ordinance threatening to jail building owners or managers who allowed raves to be held on their property. Mayor Richard Daley took the occasion to "lash out at the people who produce the huge rogue dance parties where Ecstasy and other designer drugs are widely used." In Daley's view, rave promoters were deliberately seducing the innocent. "They are after all of our children," he warned. "Parents should be outraged by this."" (Jacob Sullum, Sex, Drugs, and Techno Music,, Jan 2002)
And who could provide security at an event where most of the money would be made from the sale of alcohol and other drugs?
Just the same people who provide security in the narco-state, where this sort of thing gets produced: “US Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton’s use of the term “narco state” to describe Afghanistan in a recent

The sort of people who cracked down hard on Afghan anti-narcotics units: “Human rights groups are urging that mass gravesites in northern Afghanistan be immediately secured and investigated for evidence of possible war crimes involving United States military personnel. An Irish documentary maker has secretly filmed mass graves near the northern city of Mazar-

The sort of crackdown that involved suffocation. Just like in the Duisburg rail station tunnel.
In a word -- special forces.
Things had gone badly in the tunnel. The 19 murdered love fans / drug addicts. And those 300+ injured.
Surely it was time to shut down this open-air drug market?
"Police and organisers ordered the festival to continue as paramedics attempted to treat the casualties and a fleet of helicopters arrived to ferry the injured to hospital." (19 killed at Love Parade festival in Duisburg, Metro, 25 Jul 2010)
And so the sales went on throughout the night. By order of "special forces".
What a cynical group of men.
Let's check with DJ Motte:
"It's all about making money". "The organizers didn't show even the slightest sense of responsibility for people." (Matthias Roeingh cited in Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
And that's how it is. Whether we're talking cigarettes, cosmetics, junk food, or an open-air drug market in Duisburg, "It's all about making money". "The organizers didn't show even the slightest sense of responsibility for people." (Matthias Roeingh cited in Kirsten Grieshaber, Frank Augstein, Shock, blame after 19 trampled at German festival, AP, 25 Jul 2010)
"Eine teuflische Situation". (
With security courtesy of those teuflische Special Forces.