Afghan War Consequences Come Home -- to the Congress
Jews will be Jews, and so they gather together from holiday to holiday at the Congregation Chaverim in Tucson, Arizona.
One of the Jews in attendance there was Today, President Obama is faced with the challenge of rallying public and congressional support for the mission in Afghanistan." (Gabrielle Giffords, Afghanistan war was worth fighting in 2001, still is today, 12 Oct 2009)
This was a war worth fighting eight years ago and it remains so today." (Gabrielle Giffords, Afghanistan war was worth fighting in 2001, still is today, 12 Oct 2009)
This was a war worth fighting eight years ago and it remains so today." (Gabrielle Giffords, Afghanistan war was worth fighting in 2001, still is today, 12 Oct 2009) After all, those anti-opium Taliban types are still fighting to clean up their country.
Congresswoman Giffords' war had so many financial benefits for the drug business. For these people, it was a war well worth fighting.And the Jewish community prospered.
One of the happy Jews in Tucson was Amy Loughner, who also attended Ms. Giffords' synagogue. ( Her son wanted to help keep the war going.
If he went to Afghanistan, he could do so much for the cause.
Only problem was, he was already helping too much. With drug consumption: "He didn't fail a drug test — he admitted to excessive drug use". Make that "a habitual drug abuser". (Mark Thompson, How Marijuana Use Aborted Jared Loughner's Military Career, Time, 10 Jan 2011)
The Afghan war had made so many more drugs available -- and affordable. This Jewish boy was supporting the cause.
And then they wouldn't let him into the army, where he could shoot so many civilians -- legally. In that war so well worth fighting (per Gabrielle Giffords, Afghanistan war was worth fighting in 2001, still is today, 12 Oct 2009).
A war in which American soldiers were "running a "kill team" that murdered Afghan civilians". "civilians were killed with hand grenades and guns and their deaths made to appear to be legitimate battlefield casualties." As one of the American soldiers put it, "Everyone just wants to kill people at any cost. They don't care. The Army is full of a bunch of scumbags I realized." (Chris McGreal, US military investigates 'death squad' accused of murdering Afghans, Guardian, 29 Dec 2010)
Jared felt so cheated.
And so he smoked dope. And got a gun. And got ready for revenge.
It was about this time that Jared was studying the Jewish scriptures: "For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death." Exodus 35:2
It came to his attention that fellow-Jew Giffords was working on the Sabbath, and causing her Jewish assistant Gabe Zimmerman to desecrate the holy day as well.This was more than this zealous young Jew could stand. And so, on 8 January 2011, when Ms. Giffords should have been in synagogue, Jared implemented Exodus 35:2.
This Jew shot his apostate fellow Jews, and threw in some Christians as well.
This loss of life happened in Arizona because the army wouldn't take him for the killing fields in Afghanistan. There he could have joined the team that "just wants to kill people at any cost. They don't care." (Chris McGreal, US military investigates 'death squad' accused of murdering Afghans, Guardian, 29 Dec 2010) And then, instead of a trial and ten years in a mental hospital, he would have gotten promotions and medals.