Ch. 31 - Chlamydia

The media tells people that if they buy their condoms, “safe sex” is possible – anytime, anywhere, with anyone. Their products don’t prevent chlamydia or even pregnancy. Millions suffer from disease because they believed these lies, and paid big money for little things that don’t work.


The world’s most widespread sex disease is klamydia (chlamydia). Klamydia trachomatis is a bacteria. In temperate regions of the world, an infection is generally considered to be a sexual disease. In the tropics, its generally associated with the eye disease trachom (Flemming Andersen, Klamydia-infektioner,, view:

These bacteria invade cells, primarily in the urinary tract, and reproductive passages in women.
In Denmark alone, there are about 14,000 reported cases each year. The bacteria are generally spread via sexual contact, although infants can get eye infections and lung inflammation from an infected mother at birth. If there are symptoms, they usually appear in 7 to 21 days after exposure. (id.)

In the United States, about 5% of the adult population has chlamydia. Among young women in prime time, its 10%. (Medical Encyclopedia Info on Chlamydia,
Since only 30% of infected women will show symptoms, women who are “sexually active” (get around), should get tested regularly (Chlamydia infections in women, MedlinePlus,

A klamydia infection can always be treated, and should be, because it can cause serious damage, especially to women. Klamydia is a common cause of infertility, especially in women. Treatment is simple, and uses doxycyklin, an antibiotic.
(Sjukvårdsrådgivningen, Klamydia / Vård och behandling,


Ah, you use a condom? All of the time? And you see a lot of advertising on your television and on billboards that condom use means “safe sex”?

You don’t believe that, do you?

“The proper use of condoms during intercourse usually prevents infection. As of 2001, annual screening for chlamydia of all sexually active women aged 20-25 is recommended, as is screening of older women with risk factors (such as a new sexual partner or multiple partners) in order to treat those cases that may not have any symptoms.” (Chlamydia infections in women, MedlinePlus, (emphasis added)

Condoms “usually” work?

“Among people who use condoms consistently and correctly, pregnancy rates are fairly low—about 3 pregnancies per 100 women in the first year of use.” (How Effective Are Condoms?, Population Reports, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, And that’s for people who use them all the time, and correctly.

What about the rest of users? “The estimated typical pregnancy rate among condom users in the US is about 14 per 100 women.” (id.)

And that’s safe?

“Since the 1970s studies of typical use have demonstrated that condoms provide some protection against gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. For example, consistent condom use probably reduces the risk of chlamydia and gonorrhea infection by about 60% to 80%.” (id.)

The FDA requires that condoms be tested for water leakage. The standard is that less than 1 out of 400 tested can leak water. (Condoms, And if you got a leaking condom? Tough luck.

These super-safe, sex protective devices burst only about 2 percent of the time. (id.)
As one authoritative reference puts it: “Male condoms and female condoms provide some protection.” (Medical Encyclopedia Info on Chlamydia, added)

“Some protection”? “Usually” prevents infection? The high, and rising, incidence of chlamydia infection is no mystery. The “news media” provides a lot of advertising and promotion for condoms. They call it safe sex. But that’s a lie.

Millions suffer from chlamydia and AIDS because they believed this lie.